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Console enhancements

Invite experience improvements have arrived.

This month Console focused on improving every step of the invited user experience.


Invite emails and Argyle’s landing page got a new look. Your brand is now front and center, helping to maximize conversion by increasing user trust. The new email and landing page can be enabled and configured by in the Invites section (*update: now Flows section) of Console.


Other Console changes introduced this month:

  • Resending invites to attempted and successfully connected users is now possible within the Connections page of Console.
    • Users can re-establish a payroll connection in one click (no login credentials needed) by returning to Link through original or re-sent invites.
  • Argyle PDF Reports have been redesigned, with additional metadata including external ID’s now shown in a new Report details area.
  • Under the hood improvements have been made across Console, yielding faster page loading and a more responsive experience.

Ready to see what Argyle can do for you?

Get in touch to learn more about our verifications for the mortgage, personal lending, and background check industries, and more.

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